Recovery Derm Shield Method:
- Once your recovery derm is applied, do your best to leave this on for at least 3-5 days. You can shower as normal once this is on, but do not submerge the area
-If the derm happens to spring a leak, let it empty out on its own and pat it dry with a clean paper towel before patching it with an extra piece. If the piece is far to gone, it's better just to remove it all together.
- If the recovery derm is giving you any problems at all such as any redness, any itchiness, excessive dryness, or if its falling off and its too far gone, you may take the derm shield off. If you
have any questions in regards to the derm please feel free to reach out to me!
- When its time to remove the recovery derm, I suggest taking it off in the shower. Make sure you are pulling the derm down with linear of your body like a command strip rather then up and away from you.
- Once the recovery derm is removed, use a non-scented anti bacterial liquid soap to wash such as the gold orange dial soap to wash the area gently with your fingertips. Wash your tattoo 2 times a day, morning and night. Then pat dry with a clean paper towel. DO NOT WIPE/RUB YOUR TATTOO.
-Then use a light fingertip amount of a non-fragrance lotion to moisturize as needed. I recommend lubriderm or cetaphil.
- During the peeling stage, make sure to keep the area moisturized as needed, but be careful not to overmoisturize the area.
- Use both the antibacterial soap and fragrance free lotion until the tattoo is completely healed. (About 3 weeks total)
-Keep in mind during the peeling stage it will get very itchy, please DO NOT itch/scratch/pick the area​
Traditional Method:
- I will wrap your tattoo in saran wrap, leave this on for 1-2 hours
-After the 1-2 hours are up, remove the saran wrap and gently wash your tattoo with clean hands, warm water and antibacterial soap. I recommend the gold dial liquid soap as opposed to the bars because the bars can build up bacteria, which can lead to infection.
- Wash your tattoo 2 times a day, morning and night. After washing your tattoo, pat dry with a clean paper towel DO NOT WIPE/RUB YOUR TATTOO
- Then use a light fingertip amount of a non-fragrance lotion to moisturize. I recommend lubriderm or cetaphil.
-You may wrap the tattoo again in saran wrap before you go to bed the for the first night, that way you don't get any excess ink/plasma on your sheets. ONLY DO THIS THE FIRST NIGHT IF NEEDED.
- Continue to wash with anitbacterial soap 2 times a day and moisturize with a non-fragrance lotion as needed for the next 3 weeks/until the tattoo is completely healed
-Keep in mind during the peeling stage it will get very itchy, please DO NOT itch/scratch/pick the area
Other things to keep in mind:
- Keep the tattoo out of the sun for at least 2-3 weeks while healing
- DO NOT use sunscreen for at least 3 weeks after getting the tattoo.
Once healed feel free to use sunscreen as normal.
- You can get the recovery derm wet. You can shower as normal, but
DO NOT submerge the area (no swimming/baths)
- DO NOT submerge the tattoo in water/go swimming/work out for at least 3 weeks
Lotion/Soap recommendations:
Lubriderm Lotion:
Cetaphil Lotion:​​ ​​
Dial Antibacterial Soap:
Always refer to your artist if you have any questions!